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How a Large Energy Operator Successfully Responded To Potential COVID-19 Job Site Exposure

April 23, 2020
Austin, TX

For industrial job site operators, mitigating the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak on a job site has quickly become a top priority.

The risk of an outbreak on a job site not only threatens public health, but the continuity of critical infrastructure projects as well. This scenario recently played out for one large U.S. energy operator at two job sites north of Midland, TX.

The Problem

After one of its employees came down with a severe case of the coronavirus, the company needed to quickly mobilize to screen and test all 50 of its workers across the two sites. To prevent jeopardizing their operations, a fast turnaround was critical.

The operator reached out to Workrise (formerly RigUp), who has partnered with Houston-based digital health organization imawareTM to offer a comprehensive at-home screening, testing, and treatment solution.

The Solution

Through the partnership, Workrise was immediately able to coordinate the delivery of 100 test kits and dispatch a licensed nurse to begin screening at-risk individuals. The nurse facilitated 20 tests the same day of the request, before returning to the job site the next morning with additional test kits, delivered from Houston, to screen the remainder of workers at shift change.

“We know that getting access to the testing isn’t easy in more rural and remote areas," says Workrise Managing Director Leslie Elliott. "That's why we created a solution that brings this to where the core of our workforce is, which is the Permian Basin, Midland/Odessa, and San Angelo areas. And thanks to imaware's supply of test kits and large national network of licensed medical professionals, we're actually able to deliver this solution to any of our job sites across the continental U.S.”

Within 48 hours, the operator had not only screened and tested all of its at-risk workers, but also received positive or negative results for each of its workers, helping maintain continuity of its job site operations.

Read more in our COVID-19 Rapid Testing Solution case study.

The Program

The rapid response is just one example of the capability of the larger COVID-19 end-to-end case management solution provided by Workrise. Unlike most solutions currently on the market, Workrise gives operators the ability to not only mass screen personnel, but also provide the necessary follow-up care, at-home testing, and telemedicine support — all through one program. Companies also benefit from added visibility into the health of their job sites, with daily status reports through our screening partner imawareTM.

Workrise believes ongoing risk assessments and management of the virus will be a continuing need for job site operators for the foreseeable future. We're here to help.

For more details about deploying Rapid COVID-19 Testing Solutions from Workrise at your job site, reach out to HSEreporting@rigup.com

Workrise Vendor Management: Product Overview
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