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Press & Media

Media Kit


Below is our standard media kit for press outlets and publications developing coverage about Workrise.


Understand how Workrise fits into the energy space and how we can help.

Logo & Asset Requests


Logo files and unique assets for usage in the media are available upon request. Please reach out to press@workrise.com with the specifics of your ask and a member of our team will be in touch to respond to the request and if approved, supply the assets you require.

Press Contact

General Inquiries

We welcome contact from the press for added context on new stories as well as for consideration in new coverage. Please direct all inquiries to press@workrise.com, and a member of our team will be in touch to assist in any way we can.

Thought Leadership

With deep expertise across energy, Workrise leadership is uniquely positioned to speak to the issues of our time. Contact us for added commentary and speaking opportunities.